Postcards were a big part of my childhood, filled with images of lighthouses, roadside motels, and flamingos. I never thought about using vintage postcards for my collages until a studio clean-up led me to a hidden stash beneath old romance comic books and some graphic chemistry transparencies. Seeing these random materials together, I couldn’t help but wonder how they might work in unison. Collage, being a forgiving medium, was the perfect playground for this experiment.
The mix of nostalgia, junk culture, and science in the series creates a surreal vibe, where emotion and reason intertwine in an unexpected visual dialogue. As I delved deeper into the series, the concept of chemistry resonated more and more. It represents not just a precision-based scientific field but also the indescribable connections between people. This duality captures the essence of this series—and my recent collage work.
Chemistry symbolizes the serendipitous connections in my art. Blending past cultural elements with scientific structure and exploring themes of gender and complex human interactions, I showcase the playful and chaotic chemistry of creative experimentation.
Chemistry will be on display throughout April at Assemble Made and Curated in Northampton. The opening party is Friday, April 12 from 5:00 pm to 8:00 pm during Arts Night Out Northampton.